Air quality monitoring intern

automation technician undergraduate (EPI)

Ian is a 3rd year at EPI studying Electrical Engineering. Prior to EPI didn’t have interest in electrical engineering but when the choice came in what to continue after highschool at Mavo La Salle, he challenged himself to try it out. Brenchie’s Lab has a mobile makerspace bus that goes around to schools that also went to Ian’s high school and where he ditched a class to go make 3D designs on the bus. This is Ian’s first introduction to our foundation where he years later would come do his internship. For his internship he chose to work on Surfside Science working on the air quality sensor with Sean. For him he sees the importance of the air quality sensor as the most important as what we breathe in directly affects us people. He recognises that air quality sensors can give valuable information to the public where the air is truly healthy. He explains how many jogging paths are right beside busy roads and air quality sensors will show you what you are inhaling while supposedly doing a healthy activity.